Girls with blue hair series
Cherry used to be deeply depressed at the end of each year. Every December, when her birthday and the end of the year were together, provided deep despair and suffocation every year. By December, she had ignored every text massages and phonecalls from everyone close to her, including her parents and friends. She had uncontrollable anger by the fact that she was born, and felt deep despair in her life where there was no answer. She felt she would not able to adopt for being entirely alone, in her birthday and the end of the year, even though it was her first time. Cherry wanted to slip away the sadness after having countless night sheding tears. If she expresses it sadly, no one would listen to her, she thought. So she wanted to hide it by decorating it with colorful jewels, flowers, tattoos, and candlelights.
Leave me alone
When I couldn't stand that, I breathed myself -because I hated myself too much-I wanted to stop everything of myself right away, but I just didn't dare to do it. It was a few days full of binge eating and tears. Neither my favorite records nor my fav movies gave me any pleasure. I was staring at the main screens on YT and scrolling down the page like I was a soulless and a dumb machine. I happened to find some new and cool music and videos there. I endured a hell of days with watching them. Only then was I able to have the energy to release the anger that was building up inside me. Many years ago, the doctor who was consulting me said. "When you do art by excretion, the energy is transferred to everyone who sees it. If you want to be shunned, work with excretion. But if you don't want to, stop the habit right now." But I couldn't work of everyone smiling happily. Instead, I thought I could satisfy everyone if I drew a woman who tries to hide it. I liked it because I didn't have to lie, and the people who see it would like it too because it's pretty. Don't you think it's good to put bandages on the wound and put jewelry on it or have cute doodles on it? Isn't it better to see it? Wouldn't it be better if we could forever ignore the wounds that hold our breath underneath them? It didn't get better if you repeatedly poke at the scar, saying you found a new ointment. Wouldn't it be better to make the best possible use of the scars as a sketch?
I'm too sensitive to be fine
Cherry told herself countless times. "Because you have the frailty of worrying about minor things, your life has been like that." But Cherry soon denied the voice. "No, because I'm that kind of person, I can do many things with very little things I have. It's right to be in pain to live with this character. So there are so many times when I want to get out. But I also like what I create in it. Yeah, I'm too sensitive to be fine, but so what? Look at all the beauty I could create. and that's enough." To emphasize the constitution of the flowers surrounding the girl, it was expressed in flat color techniques. Nonetheless, the real tears were painted as more glittery. As such, the painting method was painted slightly differently in painting techniques.
AM 01:24
This is the last painting in the healing process. Cherry, who relieved a lot of pain by painting the first and second pictures, started to feel a little empty. She just wanted to get better, but she thought that she had to go back to the harsh reality again as soon as she did. Cherry imagined a girl who must feel the same way she did.
"At 1:24 AM. I've sat in the bathtub for an hour. The hard-won romance began to lose.
It has to happen. The party is over. A half-hearted night with the emptiness and unwelcome greetings that come back."
These are the works that came out while Cherry was thinking about what images people might like on social media. Cherry enjoys the process of decomposing and recombining ideas and keywords, which she experimented with quickly and simply.
Vanity series
Cherry quickly increased the audience in a short time. It became her routine to draw works for posting on social media, and it was her pleasure to check out the likes and comments. Nevertheless, her life was empty, and nothing worked. Nothing had improved at all right. Vanity is what she drew to comfort herself by escaping with more glamour.
Vanity in Pink - the picturesque surfaces
At that time, Cherry was obsessed with colorful jewelry and accessories. She loved to see them, but her life resembled the religious people who practice asceticism. Cherry thought that she would never be able to buy them all because of her personality, interests and her type of talent. Still, Cherry didn't want to sacrifice what she had with her life to own the materials. Killing the desire towards the shiny things was the only thing she could keep living her life. Cherry's path and the path forward will not allow her to have something she was obsessed with right that time. But she will be able to create it herself - through the way she drew it. Cherry was okay just by doing that.
Vanity in the monitor - the screen of truth
Cherry has felt through social media activities over the past few months. "Wouldn't many people, including myself, prefer a well-made lie to a cruel reality? I don`t mean to mock people for being stupid or to call them stupid. Cherry felt a lot after the failure of the first short animation film festival.To entertain many people, you need an 'entertainment'. Many people live a life struggling with a sense of deprivation and floundering in wounded hearts, so they were looking for colorful lies to calm their despair. So Cherry thought. "Let's cover the raw cherry, which is moldy and full of scratches, with pink paint. It's "Naked" "Cherry" that paints with the most personal scars, but she decided to be "Clothed" as a lie for a masquerade. Cherry felt that it was what she was doing and what she wanted to do. It can be a blindfold to the truth or a barrier to prevent it from seeing reality. Korean subtitles popped up in the middle, "I like it fun" That's her honest mind.
Vanity in blue - So money, not so empty
Cherry had something she wanted to experiment with a vanity series. It's fancy, but not too sophisticated, romantic, but rather old-fashioned, worn-out image. She pursued a realistic feeling that makes them feel more specific but not completely losing her comic/anime sensibility. To experiment with abstract and ambivalent feelings, Cherry painted several times, added, erased, and re-experimented. Unlike the man statue in Pink, the plaster in blue depicts a woman with a fashionable eyebrow shape and rich eyelashes like Instagram makeup, rather than a classic feature of plaster figure.
The Hundred Undefined Girls
The Hundred Undefined Girl is a book about Cherry's autobiographical story. She drew fantasies, thoughts that she usually thinks of, what she wants to say to herself, what she's learned, and her ideal. Originally, they were doodles to use up her old workbook because she didn't want to buy new sketchbooks. But Cherry, seeing the cheap scratchpad get much cooler when her drawings are added, decided to fill up the entire pages with her art.
Cherry isn't the type of person who thinks a lot. She usually stores a phenomenon and her feelings in unconsciousness like a few screenshots per second. The screenshots are hundreds and hundreds of them in one box, and Cherry seals them. And those boxes are piled up inside her. Cherry quickly recombines random screenshots from each box when she works any type of her art. That is to say, <The Hundred Undefined Girl> is the single best example of her process. It contains 104 drawings and Korean/English writing editions corresponding to them. (Korean-English translation: @lickyoungin)
Drawing no.84
"그에게 왜 그런짓을 했냐고 물어볼 수 없었다. 우리는 그 아이가 자신의 미래를 담보잡고 현재를 팔아넘기고 있다고 책망하고 싶었다. 오래 전부터 모범생이 된다는 것이 그에게 행복을 보장하지 못할거라는 생각이 똬리를 틀었다. 우리가 보지 못한 갈 곳 없는 분노가 그의 마음 속에 도사리고 있다. 작고 하얀 새는 더 이상 그가 원하는 것도, 되고 싶은 것도 아니다. 자신의 틀을 깨고 나오고 싶어하는 그 아이는 전설 속 독사나 구렁이가 되고 싶다. 지금은 작은 사건일 뿐이다. 손가락질을 해도 소용없다. 그저 그의 영혼이 시키는대로 하는 중이다. 절정은 아직 오지 않았다."
Drawing no.84
"I couldn't dare to ask her why she did such a thing. We wanted to blame that she's selling her current time, with her future as the hostage. She's had the thought that being a good student won't guarantee her happiness for some time now. In her heart lurks rage with nowhere to go that we haven’t seen. She doesn't want or wants to be the little white bird anymore. She wants to break the mold and be a venomous snake or serpent from mythology. Nothing big has happened, yet. Nothing is going to change if you blamed her. She's just doing what her soul is telling her to do. The peak has yet to come."
Art and writing by @naked_cherry
Korean - English translation by @lickyoungin
Drawing no.94
"어떠한 영적인 세계를 상상해본다. 천지개벽이 일어나고, 탄생을 축하받고 세상만물이 나의 얼굴을 가지고 숨쉬는 세계말이다. 그 모습은 끔찍하면서 자부심이 생기는 광경이기도 할 것이다. 그곳에서만큼은 나의 존재가 환영받고 나의 목소리는 늘 귀 기울여지며 나의 일희일비에 세상이 창조되고 파괴되는 세계다. 막중한 책임감이 따르지만 그만한 보람과 보상도 함께하는 개인의 세계다. 겨우 숨쉴 곳을 찾아 구석으로, 더 구석으로 파고드는 작은 벌레와도 같은 이 세상 속 내모습과는 다르다."
Drawing no.94
"Imagine some sort of a spiritual world. A world where it's back to the beginning of time, life is celebrated, and everything is alive and well with my faces on them. It will be both horrible and honorable. Here I'm welcome, I'm listened to, and my every emotion creates and destroys a world. It's a private world where, with great responsibility, there are worth and rewards for it. It's a different world from where I live where people have to burrow further and further like little worms to finally be able to breathe."
Art and writing by @naked_cherry
Korean - English translation by @lickyoungin